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NFIRS Reporting Software

Reporting to the National Fire Incident Reporting System can be time-consuming. But your department can’t avoid it. Despite NFIRS being a reporting requirement, it doesn’t negate the operational inefficiencies it can cause.

Enter RedNMX’s NFIRS reporting software. Our cloud-based platform performs seamless work across both desktop and mobile devices.

Why is it the preferred NFIRS reporting option?

Create customized templates and fields for your specific needs


Instantaneous Reporting

Have local requirements? Create specialized reports for every government-level

Have local requirements? Create specialized reports for every government-level

Don’t wait to send your reports, automate exports to the entities that need it

We’re Trusted by Over 700+ Fire Departments

How Does Our NFIRS Reporting Software Work?

NFIRS Documentation

We Make Recording Fire Incident Data Easy

Over 22,000 departments submit reports to the NFIRS. And yours is likely one of them. So you know you must figure out how to comply without putting a damper on efficiency. The good news? That’s the exact problem RedNMX’s NFIRS reporting software helps you solve.

It offers hardware integration that uses automation to record attendance from biometric devices and has a built-in document imaging system – uploading photos and other information is easy.

Be compliant the easy way – use tailored templates & fields, special report types, and automated exports.

Eliminate Errors with Validation

Reduce Entry Time with Built-In Documentation Workflows

Reduce Entry Time with Built-In Documentation Workflows

Document Incidents Anywhere with our Mobile App

NFIRS Compliance

Compliant at Every Level:
NFIRS 5.0, State, & Local

Trying to meet compliance requirements on many levels at once can be overwhelming. Different reporting systems need different information. That doesn’t only mean filling out several reports. It also means ensuring that all fields comply with a government agency’s reporting standards.

With RedNMX’s NFIRS reporting software, your team has a full set of tools at their fingertips. These provide a seamless experience and ensure that you remain in good standing. You can create specialized national, state, and county-level reports without any manual hassle.

Compliant with NFIRS 5.0 so you can send accurate records to your state coordinators

Compliant with NFIRS 5.0 so you can send accurate records to your state coordinators

Do you have specific county or city requirements? Our software supports local requirements

Do you have specific county or city requirements? Our software supports local requirements

Send reports to all required agencies with a click

Send reports to all required agencies with a click

NFIRS Reporting

Meet & Exceed Reporting Requirements

Adhering to reporting requirements helps you meet NFIRS deadlines. Missing or incorrect information delays quality assurance efforts and public data set releases. It can also put you in danger of not meeting requirements for federal grant programs, like FEMA’s AFG grants.

RedNMX’s custom templates and specialized reports help your team avoid these mistakes and dangers. Our NFIRS software solution also allows you to create robust internal reports. So, you can analyze your operations and make decisions based on clear and accurate data.

NFPA Annual Survey Reports, 1710 Reports, and more - our software can handle all types of reports

NFPA Annual Survey Reports, 1710 Reports, and more – our software can handle all types of reports

Track internal metrics like incident types, calls, and more

Track internal metrics like incident types, calls, and more

Create custom reports to find the exact data your team needs

Create custom reports to find the exact data your team needs

Schedule A NFIRS Reporting Demo!

Ready to revolutionize your fire department’s NFIRS reporting process and stay ahead of compliance effortlessly? Schedule a demo today to see how our customized, automated NFIRS Reporting simplifies your process and ensure compliance.
Don’t let NFIRS reporting complexity hold you back.

What Are the Benefits of Using RedNMX for NFIRS Reporting?

Integration with Your Favorite Tools

Operational efficiency relies on seamless integrations and customizations. Our NFIRS software integrates with needed platforms – CAD, EMS, and incident alerting & response software.

RedNMX offers unmatched flexibility, improved safety, and productivity for your entire department. But even beyond that, it helps you better serve those whom you have vowed to protect: the community at large.
NFIRS Reporting Software - Integration with Your Favorite Tools
NFIRS Reporting Software - Automation Means Avoiding Mistakes and Saving Time

Automation Means Avoiding Mistakes and Saving Time

NFIRS reporting mistakes can cost your fire department. Even small mistakes, such as invalid incidents or not being ready for submission, can get your report flagged. Not getting the reporting right increases your department’s compliance risk exposure. That puts you at risk of not meeting federal grant requirements. RedNMX’s NFIRS fire reporting software offers automated attendance, compliance, and exporting. With our platform, you’ll have no problem maintaining high levels of productivity.

Customized Solutions For Your Firehouse

Sustaining operational efficiency requires more than fancy digital tools. It requires platforms customized around your department’s unique needs and workflows. The Alpine team knows that no two fire departments work the same way. RedNMX allows you to customize your integrations and features so you can create a version of the software that works for you.

Choose from dozens of integrations and more than 50 individual modules to tailor the system to your needs. And since you can tack on extra features as your department grows, the solution is scalable, too. That means it can stay with you and serve your department over the long haul.
NFIRS Reporting Software - Are You Prepared for the NERIS Transition in 2025?

Are You Prepared for the NERIS Transition in 2025?

The U.S. Fire Administration will move away from the legacy NFIRS reporting system in 2025. Instead, fire departments will use NERIS–the National Emergency Response Information System.

With these changes comes huge responsibility for fire departments. Your team will need to make changes to your reporting procedures. Having a software partner to help you with these changes is key to avoiding mistakes in the process.

RedNMX will be prepared for the NERIS transition so using our NFIRS software now, will save you time in the future – avoid transition mistakes and stick with a software that will grow with you.

In over three decades in the business, we have seen customers through many system transitions. We are confident that we can help you make the leap to NERIS when the time comes.

How Do Our Customers Feel About Our NFIRS Software?

Customers love our software. It provides you with everything you need for successful NFIRS reporting and beyond. You don’t have to let reporting requirements bring you down or impede your meaningful work. Take your cue from our satisfied customers and invest in a specialized, automated solution that does the heavy lifting for you so you don’t have to.